Overcoming the Negative Issues about Creative Writing

A few days ago, someone told me I should make an effort to improve my creative writing. Then the next day, someone asked me what happened to my writing? I am not a good writer, and I admit that's true. But I've been blessed with great ideas. Yeah I received compliments from other people telling I have great ideas and that great ideas made me insane as I can't put them all on paper. I also had a bad habit of creating articles and abandoned them for years. Perhaps, my brain is paralyzed now, and I am easily get tired of thinking new great ideas.. or maybe I don't take (writing) it seriously as I always been thinking taking journalism course was a wrong decision when all my life, I always dreamed of becoming a civil engineer. I love Math and everything about Math, And you can hardly see people love Math at the same time love English (ehhmmmm gifted kidding). I always wanted to go back to school, but I realized that there's no such thing as FAILURE, because I make a lot of money of that. All I need to do is to focus on writing, because I made a living at it, and I was good at it. Instead, I would take this as a challenge for myself, and I never give up. I need to do something until something happens. Even I needed to go back to basic I will do it. As James Frey says "if your life isn't what you want it to be, you're taking steps towards some form of change'' and the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. So I need to take the step. Take the second, third, and keep going until one day I could tell to myself, "wish he could read my articles now".

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There is always room for improvement for everyone. First of all, one must learn her improvement areas then she can make a plan on how to improve on those areas. Being a wide reader helps make a great writer, so read a lot on things you want to write on. Write about things you are passionate about and writing will become effortless. Create your own style. Sooner or later you will attract your own readers who believe in your line of thinking. Visit other blogs and leave comments so that they will visit you too and leave their own comments. Writing is enjoyable if you know you can contribute to the improvement of society. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
ice9web said…
Hi Lyn,

all of us encounter "low not so good" in our life, hey nobody's perfect... hopefully we shouldn't be sensitive if somebody correct us... but rather in return "gives us the hint" opportunity to let us know we need to LEARN for improvement, RE-LEARN the basics AND UNLEARN the bad habits (^_^)

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