Gossiping: The Most Annoying Thing

Some people are like a blue jay. They interrupt other people's conversation; they have to know everybody's business, and often they make a nuisance of themselves. Oh, they probably don't mean to but if they do more listening than talking and tune in to other people's feelings, they might see some of the harm they do. It's shame but you have to be careful about what you say around these people. You may find out that your words are being broadcast all over town.

But rather than hate people who gossip, you need to do three things. First, make sure that you don't gossip. Gossiping can ruin your reputation, as well as others. Second, it may be different, out being honest with gossipers. Let them know in a kind way, they've hurt you with their words. Third, Pray for those who hurt others by gossiping, and pray for yourself. Pray that you won't be a blue jay by sticking your nose in other people's business and broadcasting it all over town. Gossiping is annoying and it hurts. Don't do it yourself and help those who do to stop.

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Roxy said…
oh well, I know I may not set a good example, but for gossipers, I always think If you cant beat them, Join them! :D Though I never tried, it would be weird if I did. :D
Jody said…
Yes I agree that gossips are annoying. You are not respecting someone's privacy. Behave whity,behave!ahehehe
Darlyn said…

if you can't beat them then avoid joining them.. that would be nice option
Darlyn said…
@ jody mc cormack

somehow gossips is good but not all time..
Yes, gossiping is cruel and is akin to backstabbing and backbiting. People who gossip will always find themselves in trouble and nobody will trust them in the long run. Thanks for the meaningful post. God bless.
MARGA said…
tag u..


ARTVEN said…
hi darlyn! thanks for dropping by my page lately...yeah, i agree with u...gossiping is totally irritating! and i had experienced being a topic of gossiping...they exaggerate things up which are not really true..
Mico Lauron said…
naku lang po.. yan ang reasons why i started blogging.. hehehe! was really hurt.

life is short dahlin.

it is beautiful.

pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice.

so keber sa mga chismoso't chismosa. mamamatay din yan!
Tey said…
gossiping can either do good or bad, but most of the time it causes bad result. From gossiping you get informations but idle talk is somethings that we all should avoid. .., I hope you can join the tag..

Have a great day to you
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Anonymous said…
hello friend! visiting you here again after being away for sooo long!!! have a great sunday!!! :)
Gorgeous MUM said…
i think gossip will always be there. be it a good or bad gossip, somehow adds entertainment to our daily lives. sad but true.
Roxy said…
yep, your option would be nice. :D Oh well, I dare not to join them :D
Roxy said…
-off topic- btw, I have a free ad spot for my visitors, thought I'd let you know incase you want to promote your blog on mine, for free :D

check my Aug 08,08 entry, Thanks :D
Mama Bee Simple said…
You have recieved a blog award from me :)
thanks for posting!

Monika ♥
NKM said…
... moreover, I need a shout box in this blog: I love shouts.

AFamilyMan said…
you left a message in my tag board some time ago about using my message board? sure you can use it. I also have a tag for your blog here so come get it anytime. take care darlyn..
Tey said…
hmm it's been a while since you updated this blog .. BUsy?... I understand.. Just visiting you again my frined
Ester's Recollections
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Ester's Health Blog
Brief Sentiments
ice9web said…
this post is very insightful specially for those people who spread some unnecessary information that can hurt feelings.
you can check out my post about this too
thanks for dropping by

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