Serving Each Others

Life is full of surprises and sometimes you say I've touched by angel with love. Yeah, my hope this story might touched you too. A story of Miss Sara Tucholsky of Western - Oregon University. It was on April 26, 2008 when Sara did something she had never done before. In her last at bat of her college softball career, she blasted a pitch over the center field fence for a three - run home run.As she reached first base, she looked up to watch the ball clear the fence and missed touching the bag. She quickly twisted to run back to first base but something gave way in her right knee and she collapsed to the ground.
"I was in a lot of pain," Tucholsky said, "Our first base couch was telling me I had to crawl back to first base and hugger the bag in tremendous pain from her knee injury. Sara's coach Pam Knox asked the umpires what could be done. They said that Knox could put a substitute runner in for Sara. In that case, Sara would be credited with a single and 2 RBIs, but the graduating senior would not be credited with the only home run of her career. Additionally, the umpires said that the rules did not permit and player from Sara's team to touch her. This was a big game for the opposing team. Central Washington needed to win this game to keep its post season hopes alive. But in spite of that, Central Washington first baseman Mallory Holtman asked the umpire if she and her teammate could help Tucholsky around the bases. The umpires, quite surprised by this request, stated that nothing in the rule book precluded help from the opposition. So Holtman and junior sportstop Liz Wallace put their arms under Tucholsky's legs, and she put her arms over their shoulders. They carried Tucholsky all around the bases touching each base with her good leg. "The only thing I remember is that Mallory asked me which leg was the one that hurt," Tucholdky said. I told her it was my right leg and she said, 'Ok, we're going to drop you down gently and you need to touch it with your left leg' and I said , Ok thank you very much.''' When they arrived the home plate, the entire Western Oregon team was in tears. my whole team was crying," Tucholsky said, Everything in the stands was crying. It touched a lot of people. Western Oregon lost the game, but they won the battle. "In the end, it is not about winning and losing so much" Holtman said. "It was about this girl. She hit it over the fence and was in pain she deserved a home run. Wow! What an incredible example of character and sportsmanship. What a valuable lesson we can learn from this young woman. Its not about winning and losing, its about how you play the game and doing the right thing. As we move forward,I hope we keep this lesson in mind. Let's support each other like Mallory and Liz. Let's help each other reach our goals. Let's not worry about whether someone is in our organization or not. Let's aim to serve each other more than ever before. And let's all continue to guide our daily actions by doing the right no matter how difficult it may seem. In the end, it is the only way to long - term success.

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JK said…
hi thank you for stoppin by our site... you have a very nice site yourself...
Darlyn said…

Thanks for coming too.... keep updating with your blog..

Goodluck to both of us.

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