Some Notes on Special Day

Same as usual, there is no abundant parties happen on my birthday celebation this year, which is normally happens everytime I celebrated my special day. However, I was amazed with the extravagant of greeting I received from all those people who remembered to send me a greeting for my natal day. Most of the greetings are in electronic form such as YM, SMS, simple yet so inspiring greetings over my wall on Facebook, that I take time to replied with thank you, as well as from my guildmates and fellow gamers in Cabal as they flooded birthday greeting on the network chat. Perhaps, these ample of greetings made me special in an ordinary way. To sum up, here are the notes I compiled on the midst of celebrating this special day:
Isaiah 61:1-2a (NIV). The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn ...
Health is wealth, as most of the greeting wishing me good health, this means I really need to take care of myself. As what my favorite nursery rhyme says "The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it Are sunshine, water, rest, and air Exercise and diet.These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing Your mind they'll ease Your will they'll mend And charge you not a shilling". Increased productivity at work. To write more than 8 articles a day while getting rid off stress. Hence, make more work, and make more money Learn to Live Within My Financial Means as well as learn some ways to save money and make money. Be active on church activities again such as attending prayer meeting, Psalm fellowships, and a lot more Enjoy life by seeking new adventures or at least find time to travel anywhere in Mindanao and spend more time strolling on malls and other healthy areas here in Davao City. Be more glamorous, as a fashion blogger, I really need a mysterious or magical way in updating my styles but of course without hurting my pocket. It means I need to cut down too much spending on buying Korean dress online. :D Use time efficiently, stop playing online games, instead find more time updating my websites. To update blogs with interesting articles frequently. Gain more friends
Happy Birthday to my self. To God be the glory!

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Happy Birthday Darlyn. You are really an angel that has touched the lives of so any people with your inspiring posts. May the Lord grant you all of your secret desires in your heart. May He shower you with all blessings from His great storehouse of blessings and may you live a long, fruitful and abundant life full of happiness, peace and joy. God bless you always.
Darlyn said…
@Kuya Mel

Thank you so much :) God Bless you too.
Ralph Allen said…
Wow! Happy Birthday :))

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