Being Loud or Stay Being Humble

I like the way Neil Patel explains that being the loudest makes you the weakest as it was based on American Gangster and in real life. In fact, I read that article many times and love this line "Smart person don't easily get impressed when someone brags about their success, they get turned off ". Just recently I read an article telling me its OK to be proud of the talents God has wrapped up inside of you. As long as we recognize that everything we have is from Him. Proud people don't say thanks, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or give thanks to Him. We sometimes react too much if we heard someone bragging about his/her financial status, bragging their accomplishment, or how lucky they are. On the other hand, bragging just matter on listening the whole words. For example: If someone says I had 50 cars on my garage ( you never heard he mention they were toys). When someone told you that one of his teachers who was certain he would someday become a knight( the teacher was his mother) or One day, he would be king (of his own home). Sometimes we need to listen carefully at the same time brag of our success moderately.

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All praises and glory belong to God. The Bible says, "those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted." We can brag so long as it is for the glory of God. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
jigs said…
your right darlyn. :P
Dinah said…
totally agree :-)
let your actions do the talking!

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